
Cell phone radiation and health

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Effects Numerous scientific studies have potential health effects of radiation from mobile phones are examined these studies are sometimes tested by some scientific committees in the total risk of a recent study published in 2007 by the European Commission Committee Scientific Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks of SCENIHR has been published to assess it concludes the research available was no significant impact on health of mobile phone radiation checks at normal exposure in Studies have shown normal exposure to radiation from mobile phones is not a headache and dizziness have it brain tumors and neurological effects or effects on reproduction because a few conclusive studies indicate that it causes a benign tumor of the auditory nerve, however, further studies on possible effects on children’s health are necessary for absorption of radiation distribution Calculated specific absorbed radiation SAR in an anatomical model of head next to a 125 mW dipole antenna peak SAR is 9 W 5 kg are emitted on average over a 1 cube mg USAF AFRL part of radio waves through a mobile telephone handset in the human head absorbs radio waves emitted by a GSM mobile phone is, it can have a maximum output of 2 watts and an analog telephone line U.S. had a maximum output power of 3 6 Watt Other digital mobile technologies such as CDMA2000 and D-AMPS use less energy is generally less than 1 watt power UVA up from a mobile phone to mobile phone standard, it is regulated and from regulatory agencies in each country to verify in most systems, the mobile phone and the reception quality of the base station and force signal and power is automatically increased or decreased within a certain period of time for various situations such as inside or outside buildings and vehicles to adjust the speed, the radiation is absorbed by the body measured through the Specific Absorption Rate or SAR, and their maximum values ??is essential for modern phones by the state regulatory agencies in many countries in the United States, the FCC SAR limit set of 1 6 kg W were averaged over a volume of 1 gram of tissue in the head in Europe, the limit is 2 kg W average on a volume of 10 grams of tissue SAR values ??are highly dependent on the size of the average volume, with no information used by the averaging volume comparisons between the different measures can not, for example, Europe had scores of 10 grams each other and with the Americans rated these programs should only SAR data for cell phones with some other useful information can be compared directly to the manufacturers’ websites and on websites of third parties found are compared to thermal effects pages One effect is well understood by microwave radiation, dielectric heating, in which no dielectric as living tissue by rotations of polar molecules by the electromagnetic field in the case of a person with a cell phone most of the heating effect induced warming appear on the surface of the head causes the temperature of a fraction of a degree in this case, increases the level of temperature increase is an order of magnitude lower than when exposed from head to direct sunlight, the status of the brain circulatory obtain the removal of excess heat by increasing local blood flow, however, the cornea of ??the eye has not been above this temperature regulation mechanism, and exposure of 2 to 3 hours of time indicated that the cataracts in the eyes of kg rabbits at SAR levels of 100 140W, producing lenticular product temperatures of 41C verification required premature cataracts are not related to the connection of mobile phone use has been made possible due to the poor performance of mobile phones, non-thermal effects of communication protocols used by mobile phones, often in low-frequency pulses by the carrier signal that these modules have a biological significance has been subject to debate, some researchers have argued that so-called non-thermal effects as a normal cellular response to increased temperature, the German biophysicist Roland Glaser, for example, argues that there may be several molecules in the heat of the receptor cells are interpreted, and allow it, a cascade of systems second messenger and the third, the mechanisms of gene expression and production of heat shock proteins to the cell to defend against metabolic cell stress caused by heat, the temperature rise caused the cause of these changes too small to be detected by studies such as reflex, which base their argument on the apparent stability of thermal equilibrium in their cell culture effects of blood-brain barrier, Swedish researchers from Lund University and Salford Perrson Brown Eberhardt Malmgren, the effects of microwave radiation on rat brain to examine the leakage of albumin into the brain via a permeated blood-brain barrier, other groups have no such studies in cell or animal, cancer in 2006 confirmed a large Danish study about the link between cellphone use and cancer incidence was published was followed over 420,000 Danish citizens aged 20 and showed no increased risk of cancer, the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection BfS has this report as inconclusive was launched to reduce cancer risk for cell phone users, a cooperation project between 13 countries called Interphone, is to examine the idea that cancers need time to develop so that only studies of more than 10 years of interest, the following studies the long exposure time, a Danish study in 2004 which took place over 10 years found no evidence of a link, however, was criticized this study to collect data from drawings and not necessarily made public by the actual users are known for not using the phones some of the participants themselves, but their offer for members of the family to use as it is done through observation corroborates the fact that only 61 marked with a small sample of participants in the use of mobile phones by answering a questionnaire, a Swedish study in 2005 which concluded that the data do not support the hypothesis that cell phone use with an increased risk of glioma or meningioma, a British study in 2005 which concluded that the study suggests that there is no substantial risk of acoustic neuroma contractions is related moves in the first decade after the start of mobile phone use, but an increase in risk after long-term use or after a longer latency could not be ruled out, a German study in 2006 that states not conclude glioma or meningioma increased global observing excluded these mobile users, but for the long-term users of mobile phones results must be confirmed before firm conclusions conducted a joint study in northern Europe, the conclusion that if our overall results do not know if an increased risk of glioma in relation relies on mobile can be established, are to be used when the potential to be explored in the most exposed part of the brain with long-term use should be continued until drawn final conclusions, further studies on cancer and cell phones are a Swedish team of scientists from the Karolinska Institute are carried out an epidemiological study in 2004 suggested that regular use of a mobile phone over a decade or more was associated with an increased risk of acoustic neuroma a benign brain tumor type, the increase is not used to these phones in less than 10 years, the Interphone study group was well known links with Japan released the results of a study of the risk of brain cancer and cell phone usage They used a new approach for the determination of the SAR in a tumor by calculating the absorption of radiofrequency fields in the exact location of the tumor cases examined included meninigioma glioma and pituitary adenoma indicated that the overall odds ratio or has not been increased and there was no significant trend to an increase or in connection with exposure SAR measured in the year 2007, Dr. Lennart Hardell examined from ?rebro University in Sweden published two articles epidemiological cohort studies and 16 case-control studies and found that cell phone users had an increased risk for the connection between malignant glioma cell phone use and a higher rate of acoustic neuroma tumors are more likely to occur on the side of the head is used as cell phone use a combination of cell hours per day cancer increases the risk after ten years or more in a February 2008 update on the status of the Interphone study, IARC concluded that long-term outcome could be either causal or artifactual associated with differential recall between cases and controls 27 Wikinews told the news media self exaggerate the risk of cancer cell phone A meta-study published and not peer by Dr. Vini Khurana, a neurosurgeon of Australia, a growing body of evidence presented by an association between mobile phone usage and certain brain tumors and it is anticipated that this danger much greater impact on public health than in the past asbestos and smoking, it was as a biased analysis of the literature also support the author claims to critique leads selectively 29 A publication of the public health impact of wireless technologies, Lennart Hardell found that age is a factor importantly, the report repeated the declaration that the use of cell phones by 20 Age increases the risk of brain tumors over 5 2 1 4 for all ages A study by Hardell et al conclude that the phone is not in for the long-term exposure safe in a study of trends over time in Europe under the direction of the Institute of Cancer Epidemiology in Copenhagen no significant increase in brain tumors among cell phone users between the 1998 and 2003 was the absence of a trend in the incidence from 1998 to 2003 suggests that the induction period on cell phone use to brain tumors greater than 510 years, the increase in risk this population is too small to be observed is limited, the increased risk subgroups of brain tumors or cell phone users, or there is no increased risk of adverse cognitive A 2009 study examined the effects exposure to radio frequency radiation emitted RFR of GSM mobile phones on cognitive functions of humans This study confirms the slower reaction time on a task of spatial working memory, when the light placed in an RTS GSM mobile head on male patients and showed that longer duration of exposure to RFR of the effect on the performance of right-handed subjects exposed on the left side of his head on the average BTS reaction times were much longer when the exposure on the right side and sham exposure Electromagnetic hypersensitivity Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity main item to some mobile phone users have reported feeling several unspecific symptoms during and after the use of firewood and tingling in the skin of the head and extremities, fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, loss of mental health care response times and memory Retentivity headache nausea tachycardia, palpitations were reports of disturbances of the digestive system found that all symptoms of stress and the results of current research attributed not be able to separate the effects nocebo symptoms genotoxic A large recent meta-study of 101 scientific publications on the genotoxicity of RF electromagnetic fields indicates that 49 report a genotoxic and 42 is not without research in 2004 by a team from the University of Athens was published by a reduction in fruit flies exposed to fertility 6 minutes of 900 MHz pulsed radiation for five days later studies carried out again on fruit flies in 2007 was published with the same exposure pattern, but resulted in both 900 MHz and 1800 MHz and had similar changes in reproductive capacity, no significant difference between the two frequencies, after further tests in a third section the author noted, they thought, published their findings suggested the changes were due to degeneration of a large number of rooms egg after DNA fragmentation of their constituent cells in 1995 in Bioelectromagnetics Journal Lai Wengong and Mohinder Singh of DNA damage reported after two hours of microwave radiation at levels considered safe later in December 2004 after the state standards, a European study, called reflex risk assessment of potential threats to the EMC electromagnetic environment of low energy fields exposure in vitro methods in 12 participating laboratories in several countries showed significant compelling evidence for DNA damage in cell cultures exposed in vitro when the average 0 3 – 2 W kg whole sample there was evidence, however, no rigorous evidence for other cellular changes, including damage to chromosomes, alterations in the activity of specific genes and an increased rate of Examining Division in the in vitro genotoxicity studies generally conclude that RF is not genotoxic and that studies reporting positive experimental defects had sleep and EEG effects of sleep and waking EEG-rCBF have regarding exposure RF for a decade now and most of the documents published so far studied have some form of action, while a Finnish study found no effect on sleep or others might just find the cognitive function of pulsed RF exposure most other items have significant effects on sleep Two of the papers found the effect was only present at the exhibition was pulsed amplitude modulation and found a paper at the beginning, in fact, that sleep quality by the amount of participants measured broken sleep is better While some newspapers have been inconclusive or contradictory, a number of studies have now reversible EEG changes of rCBF and the exposure to the search for pulsed RF exposures German 2006 revealed that statistically significant EEG changes were consistently, but only a relatively small proportion of study participants found Dec. 30 Health Risks stations base shows another problem

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