
Cell phone banking and payment systems

反序列化操作“Translate”的响应消息的正文时出现错误。读取 XML 数据时,超出最大字符串内容长度配额 (8192)。通过更改在创建 XML 读取器时所使用的 XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas 对象的 MaxStringContentLength 属性,可增加此配额。 第 1 行,位置为 8822。
反序列化操作“Translate”的响应消息的正文时出现错误。读取 XML 数据时,超出最大字符串内容长度配额 (8192)。通过更改在创建 XML 读取器时所使用的 XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas 对象的 MaxStringContentLength 属性,可增加此配额。 第 1 行,位置为 8618。


Sgaopt, Jr.

market opportunity and challenge according to the study of private research Pune SG Analytics KPO worked, there are about 0.4 billion of bank current and savings in India 0.7 billion mobile customers with a total population of 1.2 billion people. In addition, the research study estimated market of the postal network covers 89% of the population. It is estimated by Business Research, all internal transfers ranges from INR 260 billion to 400 billion euros per year and total foreign remittances to the interior of $ 52 billion. The cost of internal transfers, according to estimates by 3% to 5% and external remittances from 3% to 9% of the amount remitted from the field of market research. Market research has shown that the majority of references in the informal sector through faster and more cost-effective services. In addition, there is the advantage of ease of access by beneficiaries to informal service providers, according to market research.

India has released a model based on the banks of mobile payment model instead of the mobile service provider. This model requires a bank account for the customer and the customer benefiting from mobile phones offers a platform for communication and allows for greater regulation of the sector, but market research shows that the benefits to the lowest in society in general workers homeless and without limitation identification. RBI supports a correspondent bank (CB) model for financial inclusion of this segment. Banks have targeted these groups with simple embellishments no bank account and money transfer products with the provision of services by BC local governments. Market research estimates that more than 5,000 dealers have signed all products and categories of mobile payment services. With the key issues mobile payment system based according to market research firm The most important issues to be exposed to a mobile payment system

RegulationThe mobile banking and payments, rules similar to usual banking transactions such as KYC (Know Your Customer) norms (LMA against money laundering) standards. According to a research company, RBI has highlighted a banking system based on mobile payment instead of the mobile operator for tighter regulation of the payment system to ensure approval.

beneficiaries of transaction security and mobile payment transactions AuthenticationThe follows a two-factor authentication and authorization transaction recipient. The sender of the funds must be unique MMID (Mobile Identification Money) with the recipient’s cell phone number to know. In addition, the attending physician and a PIN MMID, offers to effect the transaction. Business Research shows that MMID also allows connections from multiple client accounts with one phone for the user. Cost of market research shows that the transaction cost of the transaction is an important element of differentiation and the USP of the payment system vis-à-vis the bank branch is on, based on ATM, card payment systems and the Internet to be. The mobile payment system is the cost INR 2-5 per transaction, considerably less than the transaction costs for other banking channels are created according to the research enterprise. These low transaction costs and is expected to extend to deeper acceptance of mobile payment system potentially replacing cash transactions for an enterprise search.

Ease of Access / Operation Market research estimates that more than 700 million mobile customers, which provides more than half of India’s population of mobile phone platform widely available and easily accessible. Business Research also shows that basic research is to conduct transactions with an entry-level phone the possibility of sending SMS is appropriate. According to current guidelines, transactions of up to 50,000 INR can be done from one end to encrypted mobile phones, and up to INR 1000 through unencrypted. The market expects to make the phone an ideal mechanism to make small payments and micro-enterprise for everyday transactions.

InteroperabilitySeamless interoperability between financial institutions and mobile operators in the standard format for data exchange and allow open systems basis, the success of the payment mechanism at the national level. Thus, it is an open system and allows users of mobile services from each financial institution to research business. Dealers market research providers believe more than 5,000 merchant provider, this payment mechanism are attached, the most notable among them ? Dish TV (Satellite Entertainment) ? Redbus.in (booking travel) ? LIC (Insurance) ? MTNL (telephone) ? Mahanagar Gas (utility) ? Sidhhivinayak (religion)

Market research estimates that the exponential increase in people buying a service is becoming more popular.

options for outsourcing CompaniesImplementation mobile payment system is expected to generate for the company’s outsourcing industry for the implementation of the system outsourced infrastructure maintenance outsourcing, outsourcing, transaction processing, outsourcing, management and analysis of outsourcing customers. More research business of the countries identified as other developing countries in Asia and Africa-based mobile banking and payment systems in place. Business Research shows most prominent among them the M-PESA in Kenya, the G-Cash Celpay the Philippines and Zambia, South Africa Wizzit. Business Research found two carriers led by the Bank (G-Cash) and mobile, respectively (M-PESA) platforms. Market research has shown the most popular services used by consumers are internal transfers, external transfers and m-wallet. The main advantages of market research for clients identified from faster transfer, low transaction costs across the banking, physical security, money, and financial inclusion in the general economy. Eco system for mobile payment system

According to the following market research firm are the main players.

regulator Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the central bank is the regulator for the cell phone in the banking system and payment for all domestic transactions. National Payments Corporation IndiaNPCI is sponsored by 10 banks, to facilitate the creation and operation of a national payment infrastructure robust, scalable and cost effective. Inter-Bank Payment Mobile Services (IMPS) has functioned as an instant Inter-bank money transfer service from mobile phones designed. It enables mobile phone users to transfer immediately and transfers benefiting from their bank accounts to accounts in India. In addition, it allows customers to access and perform banking transactions such as the investigation of several of balance. Market research shows that bank PSU banks (Union Bank), private banks (Yes Bank, HDFC) and foreign banks associated with the National Society of payment of India to facilitate interbank transactions phone. According to market research from December 2010, seven banks have joined NPCI and seven other banks are in the testing process and the system should reach in the near future. DeveloperThe mobile application software developers to develop various consumer applications for both private clients and institutional banking, mobile banking. Business Research shows that banks have tied with service providers such as Yes Bank and Union Bank Obopay mobile payment solutions, and visas with Airtel mChek

up mobile phone service provider according to data from market research, the India began more than 14 mobile operators offering mobile services across the country on both platforms 2G and 3G mobile. They are the underlying mobile infrastructure nationally.

Transaction facilities

Market research has shown that the IMPS platform based on mobile banking, the following services to facilitate ? Micro-payments / e-purse ? internal transfers ? Transfers inside

First, micro-payment services and internal transfers are available, with payment services later. Other research shows that individual banks bouquet of value added services to their mobile banking platforms provide their services from competitors. Sales of mutual funds, deposits, bill payments are likely to be the most popular services for market research.

Transaction ModelThe mobile payment system has led the banking system, where customers’ money will be available in their bank accounts and all financial transactions will be between the accounts of the transmitter and receiver are on the National Switch Financial. Business Research shows that, at any time the funds are currently with the carrier.

The sender transaction mechanism is the beneficiary and the MMID cell phone number and its own secure PIN MMID and amount of the transaction. This is sent to the bank via a simple SMS mobile payment via the banking application. The payer’s bank account checks references and causes an immediate operation by the switch of National Financial National Payment Corporation of India. The bank authenticates the recipient and the recipient MMID cell phone number and complete the funding transaction. The success or failure of the transaction is communicated to both the sender and receiver on mobile phones.

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